Polyester buttons are often mixed with plastic buttons. However, both go through very different productions, both as raw materials and as machinery.
Polyester button raw material is special button type polyester.
This special liquid polyester is the main raw material for the production of high quality polyester buttons.
The first step of the production is carried out by casting into the cylinders in our factory with the necessary pearl essence, pigment dye and hardeners into the liquid polyester raw material.
Then, the polyester raw material, which is liquid, hardens by these rollers and becomes polyester sheet. This polyester plate is prepared according to the size of the button to be manufactured by cutting with special molds. These are called button outlines.
After these button drafts are hardened, manufacturing is entered as button in our special button machines.
Then, according to the desired brightness of the button can continue to produce glossy or matte. Finally, the produced buttons are counted on digital scales and packed after quality control.


❝For custom made buttons,
please contact us. ❞








  1. Where to use polyester buttons?

    We are witnessing a time when polyester buttons are used for many different purposes. In the past, polyester buttons, which were only used in textiles, are used today in many areas ranging from ornaments to fabric storage containers. Polyester buttons are generally used in shirts, pants, sweaters, jackets and many children’s clothing within the textile industry, as polyester buttons are highly prone to customization.

  2. What materials used to produce polyester buttons?

    Polyester buttons are assumed to be the most widely used button type in the textile industry, but may also be regarded as the most preferred button type by people. There are many different reasons why polyester buttons are so widely used and preferred. The main reason is the low production cost due to the high quality of the polyester button. Thus, the end user can buy the desired textile product at much more attractive prices. One of the main reasons is that polyester buttons can be manufactured in many different models, varieties and colors.

  3. How to produce polyester buttons?

    Although polyester buttons are mixed with plastic buttons, in fact polyester buttons are made of liquid polyester. In practice, there are many different methods for obtaining polyester and each method has a direct effect on the quality of the obtained polyester. Therefore, only raw materials are supplied from liquid polyester manufacturers that meet our quality standards. After being checked and approved by our expert staff, the liquid polyester coming from our carefully selected suppliers is accepted only for production.

    Mother-of-pearl essence, pigment dye and necessary hardeners are added to the liquid polyester coming from our precisely selected suppliers in our cylinder machines in our production line. This polyester mixture which is mixed in these cylinder machines in the manufacturing room is then hardened and polyester sheets are obtained. Polyester sheets can simply be described as frozen polyester sheets. Then, polyester sheets obtained in accordance with the request of our customers are cut in suitable shapes and with precision. The button drafts obtained in this way are then reached to the desired design and desired shape in the manufacturing machines.

    In general, all the polyester buttons go through mentioned manufacturing steps in sequence. After this point, other operations continue according to the style of polyester button. As a matter of fact, if the production is made for the laser button, after that point all the buttons go to the laser machines in the production line and the buttons are marked on them. If the production is made for the edge of the button, the buttons to the edge of the machine to go to the edge of the laser marking. Shortly, the final version of the polyester button that our customers want is achieved at this point.

  4. Polyester düğmeler nasıl üretilir?

    Seçilen tedarikçilerimizden gelen likit polyester üzerine üretim hattımız içinde bulunan silindir makinelerimizde sedef esansı, pigment boya ve gerekli sertleştiriciler eklenmektedir. İmalat odasındaki bu silindir makinelerde karıştırılan bu polyester karışımı ardından sertleşerek polyester levhaları elde edilmektedir. Polyester levhaları donmuş polyester tabakaları olarak basitçe tarif edilebilir. Ardından müşterilerimizin isteği doğrultusunda elde edilen polyester levhaları uygun şekillerde ve hassasiyetle kesilmektedir. Bu yolla elde edilen düğme taslakları ardından imalat makinelerinde istenen dizayn ve istenen şekle gelerek son haline ulaşmaktadır.

  5. What is difference of Plassan button on production of polyester buttons?

    As Plassan Button, we are proud to be able to support our customers to add elegance to their products by producing polyester buttons in different types, models, colors and sizes..

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